Hello from Mr. D

Hi everyone. I hope you'll check out my blog, especially anyone interested in education. I hope to include all types of posts related to the education world. I will be including sites to explore and tips and tricks for math and other subjects. I love card magic and will be including some fun and not too hard tricks. Let me know if there is anything you would like to know more about (please keep it appropriate) and I will do my best to find an answer for you. I hope to talk with you soon.
Mr. D

Friday, November 18, 2011

Multiplication Monster Tip #1

How would you like to easily be able to multiply two numbers up to 20 together and quickly get the answer. With this method you can do it in seconds. Here is how to do it:
Let's say you want to multiply 12 X 13
1) take the first number (12) and add the second digit of the second number (3)...12 + 3 = 15
2) add a zero to the result...15(0)= 150
3) multiply the second digits 2 X 3 = 6
4) add the result of step 2 and 3...150 + 6 = 156

Here's another one to try:

14 X 15 = (14 + 5 = 19...190) + (4 X 5 = 20) = 210

and another one (combining the steps):

16 X 13 = 190 + 18 = 208

one last one:

18 X 14 = 220 + 32 + 252

Hopefully you found this beneficial. I'll be adding more tips and tricks so check back in when you find the time.

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