Hello from Mr. D

Hi everyone. I hope you'll check out my blog, especially anyone interested in education. I hope to include all types of posts related to the education world. I will be including sites to explore and tips and tricks for math and other subjects. I love card magic and will be including some fun and not too hard tricks. Let me know if there is anything you would like to know more about (please keep it appropriate) and I will do my best to find an answer for you. I hope to talk with you soon.
Mr. D

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hershey Bar Educational Challenge

Next time you have a standard Hershey Bar, take time to answer the following questions. Most can be found using the wrapper (a few require research and basic math skills). See how many you can answer:

Hershey Candy Bar (HCB) Challenge

      1.       How many ounces in your Hershey Bar?___How many oz. are needed to make a pound?____
2.       How many complete HCB would you need to eat to eat a pound of HCB?____________________
3.       If you add 2/3 of your friend’s HCB to ½ of your HCB, what is the fraction? _________________
4.       If you multiply ¾ of your HCB with 2/3 of your friend’s HCB, what is the answer? ____________
5.       Who is Hershey’s manufacturer?______________Where are they located?(city,state)__________
6.       What is the longitude and latitude of the manufacturer?__________________________________
7.       Which hemisphere is it located in?___________________________________________________
8.       What is the capitol of this state?_____________________________________________________
9.       How many fat grams in your HCB?__________________________________________________
10.    If there are about 9 calories in one gram of fat, what is the number of calories from fat ?________
11.    What is the percentage of total calories from fat? (Guidelines: not more than 30%)_____________
12.    What is the largest ingredient in milk chocolate? _______________________________________
13.    Is that ingredient good for you? _______ Why/why not? _______________________________________________________________________________
14.    What % vitamins does your HCB have?__________Calcium ___________ Iron ______________
15.    The 35 mg of sodium is another name for_____________________________________________
16.    Too much sodium is not good for you because it can: ____________________________________
17.    What are the numbers in the bar code? _______________________________________________
18.    Why do you think the HCB needs a bar code?__________________________________________
19.    What shape is the HCB? ___________________________________________________________
20.    What is its perimeter?____________Area?____________Volume?__________Grams?_________
21.    Why is there an apostrophe in Hershey's?______________________________________________
22.    Which letter is used the most on the front wrapper?______________________________________
23.    What does the ® mean on the front of the wrapper? _____________________________________
24.    What do you think makes the wrapper the most attractive? _______________________________
25.    How many calories does the HCB suggest should be eaten each day for a balanced diet? ________
26.    Who is the founder of Hershey's Chocolate?___________________________________________
27.    Is he still living? _____ If  yes or no, how old is he/how old would he be now?_______________
28.    What is the month and date the HCB should be eaten by? ________________________________
29.    Why is “emulsifier” in the ingredients? _______________________________________________
30.    Create 12 new words from the words Hershey Milk Chocolate (must be 4 or more letters). __________________  _________________ ________________  __________________  __________________  __________________  ________________  _________________  __________________  __________________  ________________  _________________











Hershey Candy Bar (HCB) Challenge (Answer Key)


1.       How many ounces in your Hershey Bar? 1.55  How many ounces are needed to make a pound? 16

2.       How many complete HCB would you need to eat to eat a pound of HCB? 11 (17.05 ounces total)

3.       If you add 2/3 of your friend’s HCB to ½ of your HCB, what is the fraction? 4/6+3/6 = 7/6 or1 1/6

4.       If you multiply ¾ of your HCB with 2/3 of your friend’s HCB, what is the answer? 3/4 x 2/3=1/2

5.       Who is Hershey’s manufacturer? The Hershey Co. Where are they located? Hershey, Pa.

6.       What is the latitude and longitude of the manufacturer? 40.285924, 76.650247

7.       Which hemisphere is it located in? Western or Northern Hemisphere

8.       What is the capitol of this state? Harrisburg

9.       How many fat grams in your HCB? 13grams  Calories? 210

10.    If there are about 9 calories in one gram of fat, what is the number of calories from fat? 117 (110)

11.    What is the percentage of total calories from fat? (Guidelines: not more than 30%) 20%

12.    What is the largest ingredient in milk chocolate? Sugar (always the first ingredient listed)

13.    Is that ingredient good for you? Why/why not? _________________________________________________________

14.    What % vitamins does your HCB have?    0%    Calcium   8%    Iron   2%

15.    The 35 mg of sodium is another name for      Salt

16.    Too much sodium is not good for you because it can cause bloating, swelling, stroke, H.A., B.P.

17.    What are the numbers in the bar code? Computerized tracking code

18.    Why do you think the HCB needs a bar code? Inventory, QC, tracking

19.    What shape is the HCB? Rectangle (5 3/8 by 2 1/8 x 1/4)

20.    What is its perimeter?15 inches  Area? 11.42 sq. in. Volume? 2.855 cm(cubed) Grams? 43 grams

21.    Why is there an apostrophe in Hershey's? Named after Milton Hershey (possessive)

22.    Which letter is used the most on the front wrapper? 4- E’s

23.    What does the ® mean on the front of the wrapper? Name is trademarked

24.    What do you think makes the wrapper the most attractive? Answers will vary

25.    How many calories does the HCB suggest should be eaten each day for a balanced diet? 2000

26.    Who is the founder of Hershey's Chocolate? Milton Hershey

27.    Is he still living?  No If  yes or no, how old is he/how old would he be now?  154 years old

28.    What is the month and date the HCB should be eaten by?  Check BB date

29.    Why is “emulsifier” in the ingredients?  To keep ingredients together or bound

      30. Create 12 new words from the words Hershey Milk Chocolate (must be 4 or more letters). Various answers

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